Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur

M. S. P. Mandal's Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur

मराठवाडा शिक्षण प्रसारक मंडळाचे विनायकराव पाटील महाविद्यालय, वैजापूर


COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION CELL स्पर्धा परिक्षा मार्गदर्शन विभाग


As creating right kind of leadership in all walks of life is the objective of Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur, throughout its meaningful existence spanning 54 years, the institute nurtures talent through conscious efforts. Some ten years ago the rural students of Vaijapur tehsil chose to join the expensive coaching for various competitive examinations. Most of them could not afford to pay the high fees as well as the cost of living in bigger cities like Aurangabad, Pune and Mumbai which have emerged as the coaching centres in the last two decades. Taking this situation into account the IQAC mooted the idea of starting a competitive examination cell in the college itself. With a few breakthroughs, the centre continued to attract the aspirants and the number just went on doubling every coming year. CEC pulled in the pool of expertise available in the college faculty and started to guide students. CEC has blossomed into a full-fledged tree today. During the last five years the CEC could render coaching to over 4000 students both on and off campus. CEC adopted a multi-pronged approach while grooming the aspirants: introducing them to various competitive examinations conducted by the state and central government and organizing competitive examinations.


To motivate students prepare for various competitive examinations

To arrange motivational lectures of successful aspirants/officers

To organize quiz and competitions for the aspirants

To provide guidance to aspiring students

To provide syllabus, books, reading room, ICT support to students

To conduct periodic awareness programmes for the aspiring students

To conduct mock examinations and interviews for aspiring students

To extend various support activities for the aspirants

Guidance Policy:

  • The institution ensures that the Competitive Examination Guidance Cell is functional round the year.
  • The institution ensures that a committee made up of Sr. College teachers will look into the planning and execution of initiatives under the Competitive Examination Guidance Cell.
  • The Competitive Examination Guidance Cell would be open to students from Class X to Ph.D. students.
  • With prior permission the Competitive Examination Guidance Cell will open the facilities to members from society.
  • The aspirants can avail to the Library facility like the issue and return of books, reading hall during the library working hours.
  • The Competitive Examination Guidance Cell will organize workshops, lectures, introductory sessions, written examinations, quizzes, GDs etc. for the aspirants
  • The Competitive Examination Guidance Cell will acquaint students with the exam schedule, notifications, syllabi and method of application etc.
  • The institute will procure updated books and other learning material for the Competitive Examination Guidance Cell.

Activities conducted: