Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur

M. S. P. Mandal's Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur

मराठवाडा शिक्षण प्रसारक मंडळाचे विनायकराव पाटील महाविद्यालय, वैजापूर


Department of Botany वनस्पतीशास्त्र विभाग

The department of Botany established as one of the integral part of the college in June 1968. At the start the college was housed in the old rented building of Municipal Corporation. In 1971 the college was shifted to its permanent building two kilometer away from Vaijapur city located on Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar –Mumbai Highway. The present campus area is 19.36 acres and out of that the department constituting 155 Sqf. Area is located on one floor of college building for Botany. The Department was started with one lecturer and one Lab attendant. At present it has well qualified teaching staff with two professors and two junior lecturers. It is also provided with necessary laboratory staff. The Department has well equipped sophisticated laboratory for its teaching and research activity. It has significant share in the overall developmental process of the college.
Head of the Department Prof. Dr. R J. Sawant From 12/10/2020 to present   has been developed new laboratory as well as museum for UG & PG students. Department has also develop research laboratory for research student. Dr. M. T. Kuchekar (from 03/06/2023 to till are serving in the department.


  • Department has well developed Medicinal Plant Garden.
  • The Department has Well Equipped Research as well as UG Laboratory for Student.
  • Medicinal Plant Exhibition organized by Department on 26/09/2024.
  • Organized workshop on Basics of Botany for Jr. College Students.
  • The department has autonomy up to some extent in deciding Optional Papers, advance and ICT based Teaching Methods, Selection of Reference Books, Periodicals, etc. The teachers had freedom to conduct various academic activities.


  • Prof R.J. Sawant Head of the Department has holding the post of management Council member at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Chh. Sambhajinagar.
  • Prof R.J. Sawant Head of the Department has also holding the post as SENET member at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Chh. Sambhajinagar.
  • Prof R.J. Sawant Head of the Department has published 57 Research paper in this field.
  • Prof R.J. Sawant Head of the Department also completed UGC approved one Minor research Project.
  • Prof R.J. Sawant Head of the Department Completed Four STRIDE Minor Projects.
  • Prof R.J. Sawant Head of the Department also Completed Dr. BAMU Chh. Sambhajinagar approved one minor Research Project.
  • Prof R.J. Sawant Head of the Department also published two textbook.
  • Dr. Manoj T Kuchekar has reported Azatobacter indicus and Azatobacter nigricans first time from Maharashtra state.

Scope and importance Botany:

  • Pharmacognosy –
  • Inventory of ethno medicinal plants Screening of medicinal plants.
  • Photochemistry is useful in manufacturing botanical drugs.
  • Agricultural sector – To know the wild relatives of cultivated plants.
  • Use of systematics data such as chromosome number, molecular biology in the hybridization process.
  • Preparation of germ plasm of crop plants.
  • Forestry Identification of each and every plant in the forest. Study of their distribution and abundance.
  • Environmental Science Study the plant diversity Conservation of RET plants. Identification of Biodiversity hotspots.
  • Other fields are molecular biology and genetic Engineering.
  • Plant pathology is one of the important fields in Botany which deals study with plant diseases.
  • Plant physiology and Tissue culture is also one of the important branches in botany which deals various techniques used for developing new variety of endangered plants as well as different crop plants.

Various Specializations in Botany:

Population Genetics
Classic Genetics
Microbial Genetics
Molecular Genetics
Molecular Structure
Medical Genetics
Human Anatomy
Human Genetics
Economy Botany
Plant Pathology
Plant Bacteriology
Plant Breeding
Ethno Botany
Seed Technology


Maintained Beautification of campus for every year (2022-2026):

For adornment of the college campus by Plantation ask veried flowering and ornamental species in the central part and peripheral  region of college. development of different garden like mango garden, Guava garden,  Indian Rose garden, cherry plantation, Hedges plantation  and border avenue  plants  primly tree hybrid roses, amarlead, Pyrostegia, bogainvillia, Nilumbo, bryophylum, Asparagus, ocimum, Ashoka etc

Developed Medicinal Plant Garden:

Our body department has developed a unique special medicinal plant garden which has acquired 7500sqfit. area located  in a front of the department in it different types of medicinal plants species multificaition  in seed bed and get propagated and get transplanted in the subsequent space of the gardens.  38 number of plant species get planted should  identified plated  with their Nomenclature and on the entry of the doors the information about each plant spp. with their medicinal use gives in the tax chart

Set up Genetic Disease counseling center:

Genetic counseling is essential for sake of welfare of mankind as a part of syllabus from B.Sc third year that is genetics and biotechnology we selected six students on the merit basis it is give bellow the students were actually survey in vijapur city the found number of cases of anomalies genetic and chromosomal aberrations their sufferers were being provided In formation regarding their disease their parents were also informed after the counseling they were not go for any misconception regarding the patients.

Anomalies found in are as follows:

  • Hemophilia
  • Color Blindness
  • Patio’s syndrome
  • Klifelter;s syndrome
  • sickle cell anemia

Helps in Identification of plant species to common man:   

The nomenclature and identification of any plant species should be carried by studying in the basic knowledge of systematic botany operating  by use of different flora of that region it is also useful for the enhancement of knowledge of students of B.Sc in their syllabus basically usually different flora of region like flora of western ghats, flora of Marathwada, flora of British India, flora of Maharashtra etc used referring the identification of local vernacular plant species and find out the total systematic history of the plants from heavy to economic purpose of areas using their distinguished characters morphological  characters anatomical features and a key is used properly finding the generic and species level education for the local peoples.
Professor Dr. R. J. Sawant
Head of the Department
Sr. No.
Academic Year
Name of program
Title of the Paper
B.Sc. FY (Botany)
B.Sc. F. Y.  SEM- I (NEP-2020)
DSC 1 Morphology of Angiosperm
DSC 2 Lab Course 1 Based on DSC 1
SEC 1 A Fungal Diseases of crop plants and their Management
Lab Course Based on SEC 1
GE/OE-1 Seed Production Preservation Techniques
B.Sc. FY (Botany)
B.Sc. F. Y.  SEM- II
DSC 3 Diversity of Cryptogams
DSC 4 Lab Course 2 based on DSC 3
VSC 1 (i) Bio-fertilizer Techniques
VSC 2 Lab Course Based on VSC – 1
GE/OE-2 Pomology
B.Sc. SY (Botany)
B.Sc. S. Y.  SEM- III
BOT 311 Taxonomy of Angiosperm
BOT 312 Plant Physiology
BOT  321 Lab. Course-3 Based on BOT 311
BOT 322   Lab. Course-4 Based on BOT 312
B.Sc. SY (Botany)
B.Sc. S. Y. SEM- IV
BOT 411 Gymnosperm and Utilization of plants
BOT 412 Plant Ecology
BOT- 421 Lab Course -5 Based on BOT 411
BOT- 422 Lab Course -6 Based on BOT 412
B.Sc. TY (Botany)
B.Sc. T. Y. SEM- V
BOT- 511 DSE-1A (1) (Theory Paper IX) Cell Biology & Molecular Biology
BOT- 512 511 DSE-1A (2) (Theory Paper X) Diversity of Angiosperm I
BOT- 521 Lab Course 7 (Based on BOT 511)
BOT- 522 Lab Course 8 (Based on BOT 512)
SEC- 513- 3 (F) Ethanobotany
B.Sc. TY (Botany)
B. Sc. T. Y. SEM- VI
BOT – 611 (Theory Paper XI) Genetics & Evolution
BOT- 612- (Theory Paper XII) Diversity of Angiosperm II
BOT- 621 Lab Course 9 (Based on BOT 611)
BOT-621 Lab Course 10 (Based on BOT 612)
SEC- 613- 4 (G) Horticulture
Dr. R. J. Sawant
Professor & Head
View Profile



Dr. M. T. Kuchekar
Assistant Professor(CHB)

View Profile


Ph.D. Research Guide: Dr. R. J. Sawant

Sr. No.

Name of Registered Research Student

Category of Research Student


Research Topic

Type of Research Student



Over & Above Quota(Foreign students/NRI/Fellowships / Date of Registration


Miss. Namrata Tukaram Pawar

Mb. 9225315999



“Study of Antimicrobial Properties of Some Medicinal Plants from Maharashtra”


(Thesis submitted)

December2014/ Nil


Miss. Sampada Kashinath Shejul

Mb. 9975835493



“Studies on Algal Diversity of Sukhana Dam, District Aurangabad”


11 July 2019

December2014/ Nil


Miss. Sanghamitra Vasant Arak

Mb. 9545833798



“Studies on Fungal and Bacterial Diseases of Some Ornamental Plants in Aurangabad District, Maharashtra State”


December2014/ Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship


Mr. Mahesh Bhimraj Navale

 Mb. 9850121598,




“Studies on Fungal Diseases of Gerberafrom Ahmednagarand NishikDistrict”


(Awarded on 20 March 2023)

December2014/ Nil


Miss. Nilofar Bashir Pathan

Mb. 9021567166


OBC (Minority)

“Management of Anthracnose of Tomato in Marathwada”


(Thesis submitted)

December2014/ Nil



Project Name

Funding Agency

Fund Mobilised

Commencement Date

Completion Date

Worked as

Minor Research Project on “ Traditional knowledge and Plants- Ethonobotanical Studies of    Toranmal Plateau of Nandurbar district, Maharashtra “

U.G.C., New Delhi


18th  Feb., 2013

26th December, 2015

Principal Investigator

Minor Research Project on “Studies on Antimicrobial activity of some medical plants for Gangapur Taluka”




28th  Jan.,2019

19th Non,2020

Principal Investigator

Minor Research Project on “Identification and multiplication of medicinal plants

UGC Scheme STRIDE Component – I


21st October 2020 to 30th March 2021


Minor Research Project on “Identification and multiplication of medicinal plants

Minor Research Project on“Conservation and Mass Multiplication of Medicinal Herbals used by Local Healers from Aurangabad Area”

UGC Scheme STRIDE Component – I



01st  April 2019




Minor Research Project on“Conservation and Mass Multiplication of Medicinal Herbals used by Local Healers from Aurangabad Area”

Student Strength:
Time table:

Result Analysis Report:

Study of Narangi Dam Freshwater Ecosystem (Field visit September 27,  2023) View Report

B. Sc. T. Y. Student Projects:
YearClassProject Complication Certificate
2017B. Sc. T.Y.View Document
2018B. Sc. T.Y.View Document
2019B. Sc. T.Y.View Document
2020B. Sc. T.Y.View Document
2021B. Sc. T.Y.View Document
Faculty Activities 2016 to 2021- View
  • Geust lecture on  04.09.2024  View Report
  • Medicinal Plant Exhibition on 26.09.2024 View Report
  • New Highschool, Vaijapur students visit to the department on 14.12.2023  View Report
  • Zillha Parishad School, Vaijapur students visit to the department on 07.10.2024  View Report
Teaching Notes-
  1. B. Sc.-I  View PDF
  2. B. Sc.-II  View PDF
  3. B. Sc.-III  View PDF

Google Classroom Links:

B.Sc. First Year    :

B.Sc. Second Year:

B.Sc. Third Year   :

Question Banks
Paper Number Paper Name
Question bank link
Year (2016-17)
Paper-I: Diversity of Cryptogams-I
Paper-II: Morphology of Angiosperms
Paper-V: Diversity of Cryptogams-II
Paper-VI: Histology Anatomy and Embryology
Paper-IX: Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Paper- X: Plant Ecology
Paper- XIII: Gymnosperm and Utilization of plant
Paper- XIV: Plant Physiology
Paper- XVII: Cell Biology and Molecular Biology
Paper- XVIII: Diversity of Angiosperms – I
Paper- XXI: Genetics and Biotechnology
Paper- XXII: Diversity of Angiosperm – II
Year (2017-18)
Paper-I: Diversity of Cryptogams-I
Paper-II: Morphology of Angiosperms
Paper-V: Diversity of Cryptogams-II
Paper-VI: Histology Anatomy and Embryology
Paper-IX: Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Paper- X: Plant Ecology
Paper- XIII: Gymnosperm and Utilization of plant
Paper- XIV: Plant Physiology
Paper- XVII: Cell Biology and Molecular Biology
Paper- XVIII: Diversity of Angiosperms – I
Paper- XXI: Genetics and Biotechnology
Paper- XXII: Diversity of Angiosperm – II
Paper Number Paper Name
Question bank link
Year (2018-19)
Paper-I: Diversity of Cryptogams-I
Paper-II: Morphology of Angiosperms
Paper-V: Diversity of Cryptogams-II
Paper-VI: Histology Anatomy and Embryology
Paper-IX: Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Paper- X: Plant Ecology
Paper- XIII: Gymnosperm and Utilization of plant
Paper- XIV: Plant Physiology
Paper- XVII: Cell Biology and Molecular Biology
Paper- XVIII: Diversity of Angiosperms – I
Paper- XXI: Genetics and Biotechnology
Paper- XXII: Diversity of Angiosperm – II
Year (2019-20)
Paper-I: Diversity of Cryptogams-I
Paper-II: Morphology of Angiosperms
Paper-V: Diversity of Cryptogams-II
Paper-VI: Histology Anatomy and Embryology
Paper-IX: Taxonomy of Angiosperms
Paper- X: Plant Ecology
Paper- XIII: Gymnosperm and Utilization of plant
Paper- XIV: Plant Physiology
Paper- XVII: Cell Biology and Molecular Biology
Paper- XVIII: Diversity of Angiosperms – I
Paper- XXI: Genetics and Biotechnology
Paper- XXII: Diversity of Angiosperm – II
Placements List- View
Alumni List- View
  • Best Practice-I  View

Future Plans:


  • Opening of Research centre.
  • Development of Consultancy in Water Analysis.
  • Extension of Departmental Library.
  • Extension of Medicinal Plant Project.
  • Development of Floriculture under Poly house
  • Extension of soil testing laboratory.
  • To introduce need based vocational courses such as, Biofertilizer & nursery techniques.
  • To organize national level seminar on Biodiversity and its conservation.
  • To submit proposal for funding of major/minor research projects.
  • To strengthen research lab with additional equipments.
  • Develop plant pathology (Mycology, Bacteriology and virology) Research laboratory


Professor Dr. R. J. Sawant
Head of the Department,
Department of Botany,

Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya,
Vaijapur,Dist. Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar


Tel: +919422652542